Friday, February 22, 2008

Saying Goodbye

It seems like lately I'll I've done is say goodbye to friends who are moving away. In the last year, our Sunday School class has lost about 10 wonderful and dear couple friends. It has been hard on our small group, but we are gradually getting new couples. What I love about our group is that we are close and feel comfortable expressing our views without anyone getting upset. This makes for wonderful conversations in our bible studies. Alot of the new couples are people who did not grow up in Christians homes and many have been saved in the last 5 years. It is so neat to see God working in our lives and how we all strive to do HIS will in our lives.

All of this to say is that we had a going away dinner for Melissa G. who is moving to Wichita Falls, TX. It makes me sad to see another friend move, but like a friend of ours Blain Stewart (who used to be in our small group) told Dan and I that our class has sent out a new missionary. Dan and I believe that is probably the goal of our small group, yes there is a handful of us who will continue to live in Shreveport, but there will be far greater only passing through onto their next missionary post.

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